Saturday, October 11, 2008


Doug's dad is in the hospital after suffering heart attack. Stable but critical. We appreciate all prayers and good thoughts!


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Helena, we will keep Doug's dad and all of you in our prayers.

  2. Oh no! Thinking of you all!

  3. Oh no! I will keep him in my prayers. That happened with my father in law 7 years ago, and it was a very scary time.

  4. Oh no! Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy.

  5. Any word on how grandpa is doing? I haven't heard from Grandma. I called her thursday, but haven't heard anything more.

  6. They say he's "a little better" today, and somewhat more responsive. Nothing really definitive.

  7. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I'm praying for a speedy recovery. Hugs to you.

  8. Prayers for Dougs dad and your family. HUGS!!

  9. Healing prayers coming from South Korea!

  10. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Thinking of you and your family. Jim's dad had several heart attacks a few years ago and it was a very scary time for everyone.

  11. Helena, I will keep him in my prayers. I hope that he is doing a bit better by now.

  12. Hi! I am the one who posted on DST about new scrap blogs to read. Thank you for sharing your blog! I am definitely subscribing :)

    I'm so sorry what your husband is going through. My father was in the hospital with a heart attack in June, thank goodness he made it through. Sending many hopeful thoughts your family's way!!!!!!

    I also wanted to mention that I forgot to link to my own blogs when I posted :) My one on DST is my design blog so wanted to tell you about my others. My personal one with my almost hubby is and my scrapbooking/crafts one is at
    Thanks again and I'll be reading!

  13. I'm offering up my prayers and good wishes for him too. I hope he recovers well.

  14. I will definitely say a prayer for Doug's dad. I've been in Doug's position when a parent isn't well and it's incredibly tough. Let him know he's being thought of and prayers are coming his way for strength and comfort. I truly hope his dad recovers well.

  15. So sorry to hear about Doug's dad. We're sending along our hugs and prayers.

  16. Praying for ya'll...

  17. Prayers going up for Doug's father!

  18. I just saw this and read the note above about him doing better. I hope he is doing much better and it is nice to know that prayer works!


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