Saturday, September 13, 2008

"Would you like fries with that?"

Kate has learned the word "rampage." It's so funny to hear her talking about her rampaging dinosaurs. And today when she was trying to push a toy shopping cart into the living room, she wailed, "I can't do it! There's too many obstacles!"

Doug's been working out at the fair for a week now, with one more to go. We've been used to him being around a lot (especially this summer) so it's been a big adjustment to have him gone so much. He'll be teaching four classes this quarter, which is a pretty big load, but even then he probably won't be gone this much. It's tough when Kate wants to play tag or something equally strenuous and I'm feeling particularly pregnant and tired. She did get me running around outside for a while today (and said, "You're running, Mama! You're running!" in a tone of great astonishment).

Doug is working at a place called Butch's, which specializes in something called the "World Famous" Cascade Burger. Who decided it was world famous, I don't know. I'd never heard of it before. They had him doing just French fries for the first two days, and then they put him on the grill as well. Scott was out there yesterday and I asked him if he could get a picture for me. (I wanted one of him actually working, but I neglected to specify.)

The fair ends on the 21st and classes start on the 22nd. Good timing.


  1. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Great vocabulary! Now I'm hungry for burgers and fries...

  2. Anonymous11:39 PM

    I had a dream about your family last night. I dreamed Doug and Kate came to our house for Thanksgiving--or rather, Doug dropped Kate off for Thanksgiving dinner. She was tiny (like the size of a six-month-old baby) but adorable and got along famously with my nephew Augie.

    Then I woke up, thought "What a weird dream," fell back asleep and dreamed I was at a giant toy store shopping for Playmobil figures for Kate.

    Isn't that strange? And does Kate by any chance like Playmobil?

  3. i love burgers- maybe gotta go try this place out, but don't know if i can brave the crowds at the fair!

  4. Molly--the only Playmobil figure Kate has encountered so far was our neighbor's unicorn, but she loved that to distraction. She likes jointed things.

    Weird dreams! I dreamed last night that I was packing to go somewhere. It seemed important, but I can't remember where I was going.

  5. This post cracked me up! First of all I'm amazed at Kate's vocabulary... quite impressive. I cracked up when you described her saying, "You're running Mama, you're running!" That's hilarious! And the "world famous" burgers I thought was funny you mentioned who decided that they're world famous? Tyler and I always say the same thing when we see something that's labeled as world famous.

    Did Doug tell you we saw him last Friday night? We were at the fair and we stayed until it closed and we saw him walking to his car. We chatted for a moment & I told him to tell you hi!

  6. Helena, Doug looks great in an apron-I think most women would appreciate their husband working in a kitchen!!!!! I was so excited to see that you are expecting a boy-so excited for you!!! Kate has grown so much-she is gorgeous!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)