Saturday, September 27, 2008

Soup of the Evening

Friday night we had a ward activity (at church) with a soup dinner. Lots of different kinds of yummy soups. (I had two helpings of Sarah's borscht. I don't think I've ever had borscht before.) One person there had brought a muffin tin to eat out of, and put a different scoop into each space. I thought that was a clever idea and definitely easier than trying to juggle multiple bowls at the serving table. I'll have to remember that next time.

Our contribution was black bean chicken chili. Here's the recipe!

Black bean chicken chili

1 can (12 oz) black beans
1 can fire roasted tomatoes
1–2 chicken breasts (depending on size)
1 cup frozen corn (we use Trader Joe's fire roasted corn)
3(ish) cloves garlic
1 tsp cumin seeds (or to taste)
1 tsp coriander (ditto)
1/8 tsp cayenne
lemon pepper
2 Tb olive oil

Cut chicken into bite size pieces (dice). Grate garlic.
Heat oil in soup/sauce pan on medium heat. Add dry spices (not salt or pepper), stir fry for 10 seconds or so, until they brown. Add garlic, stir fry for 30 seconds or so until it starts to brown.
Add chicken; cook until chicken is opaque.
Add beans, tomatoes, corn. Add about 2 cups of water (add more water if needed until desired consistency is reached). Stir, cook until water is reduced a little, spices are mixed, and chicken and corn are done.
Add salt and lemon pepper to taste.

The fire-roasted tomatoes and corn really add a lot of flavor. The tomatoes we use are from Hunt's. This time Doug used dried beans and cooked them in the crock pot with some mojito marinade. We usually just use canned beans with nothing added.

We like to stretch our soup with basmati rice. Yum!

It dawned on me that of the five recipes that I have posted thus far, three of them are soup. Yep, we like soup.


  1. Helena,

    Awesome idea with the muffin tin. Troy's family does a soup supper every Christmas and we always joke about somebody forgetting to buy the divided bowls. But a muffin tin would work great!! Your chili recipe sounds really good!

  2. I love love love soup! This looks very delicious:).

  3. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Yummy soup! I think you should be on the hunt for some larger than usual sized muffin tins for your soup dinner, like the kind that can bake Costco muffins.

  4. Love the blog title. We have the Alice in Wonderland (1999 film) version with Gene Wilder as the Mock Turtle. I'm now going to have "Beautiful Soup" stuck in my head all day. :)

  5. I love borscht. That soup looks good (minus the chicken)

  6. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Mmm, this sounds scrumptious. Once it drops out of the 80s here, I will be all over it. Nice photo, too!

  7. I love, love, love, soup. Usually I make it several times a week. I will have to try this recipe, it sounds delicious to my pregnant belly.

  8. that chili was very yummy, thanks for the recipe! :-) i love soup, my mom always made soup growing up and so it always brings back memories for me. :-)

  9. Love the muffin tin idea -- brilliant!

    This soup looks great! I just posted on another blog that I am looking to expand our soup recipes and some including beans... so, this is perfect! TFS :)

  10. I'm trying this recipe... I love black beans, and LOVE Trader Joes fire roasted corn. YUMMY!


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