Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Taken today, just before my battery went dead. (I had an extra charged battery, I just didn't take it outside with me.)

Kate said she wanted to go outside and catch the leaves falling from the trees, and she wanted me to take her picture. (We'd been looking at these pictures from last year recently). I told her I didn't think there were any leaves falling from the trees yet, but she refused to believe me without investigating for herself. But it's a rare occurrence that Kate actually wants me to take her picture, so I got the camera and we went outside. We went to the corner where last year's pictures were taken, and sure enough, didn't see any leaves falling, but we did find some fun maple seed helicopters, so we played with those for a while.

She does look rather grown-up here. But you wouldn't believe some of the fussing and screaming we got to hear today.


  1. *chuckles* Well, yes, I'd believe it... but she's really so pretty here! Such dark eyes, and mischievous smile... =) A true cutie!

  2. How cute! I bet those leaves will be falling soon with the weather being how it has been lately. Brrr!

  3. I checked out the photos from last year and they are so darn cute... and wow, how she's grown!! This is a great picture of her laying on her tummy grinning... very cute!

  4. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Oh, I thought that was Jaylene fussing and screaming today. Umm, yup it was! But Kate looks absolutely gorgeous. I hope she wants you to take her picture more often now.

  5. Lovely pic. And also really enjoyed seeing the ones from last year. She has grown so much.

    Love, Mom

  6. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Wow! She has grown so much! And I hear you on the fussing and screaming. Today I told Kyrie that she was too old to be throwing the kind of fit that she was throwing at the time. Yikes.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)