Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Picture Taking 101: watch the background

Bronwyn called a couple of days ago and asked if I could come and give the Young Women some photo-taking tips for their Tuesday night activity. General point-and-shoot tips, like move in closer, get down on your subject's level, use available light as much as possible, and that old chestnut, "Watch the background!" Here's a scanned photo that I dug up for the occasion:

I was the one who took the photo, and did not notice that bush at all. Doug thought it was hilarious.


  1. Good tips! That picture is hilarious! I've always wanted to know how to get better pictures out of my camera... I always blame it on the camera but I'm sure it's probably me! Maybe I could chat with you one of these days and get some ideas from you.

  2. I'm horrible at realizing what is in the background in my pictures. I love that picture by the way...I have a picture of me that my mother in law took once with a low street lamp that is sprouting from my head. They should have a contest or would win.

  3. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Too funny! Care to share the other samples you found?

  4. That picture is awesome!!! Love the bush/hair

  5. That is classic! You should frame it or at least wear it in a locket or something...

    :) Lorri

  6. BWAHAHAHA!! Good look for him;).

  7. That's one shrubby looking toupe'! That's hillarious- thanks for sharing.

  8. Anonymous12:19 AM

    That's great! Too funny!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)