Thursday, September 25, 2008

Husband Tag

I've seen this husband tag meme going around recently. I've been tagged by Bronwyn, so here goes!

What is his name? Douglas Martinous Jole. Martinous is a family name.
How long have you been married? Just over twelve years. (How time flies!)
How long did you date? Let's see... started dating right before Christmas, engaged in April, married in September.
How old is he? He's 43. Six years older than me.
Who eats more sweets? Ha. That would be him, since I can't eat sugar. If the question was just "Who eats more" that would probably be me. Even when I'm not pregnant.
Who said I love you first? He did.
Who is taller? We're very close to the same height. I think I'm actually a teeny bit taller, if we're both in bare feet.
Who can sing better? We both enjoy singing (I sing alto, he sings tenor, unless he's got a cold) but he's definitely better at sight reading than I am. And he has this knack for instantly grasping the structure of a song and will often make up his own voice accompaniment for a song he's never heard before.
Who does the laundry? Me, almost always.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. Though when we were in Korea I slept on the left side. I think it was just the setup of the room.
Who mows the lawn? We don't have a lawn, but I imagine he would probably do it.
Who cooks dinner? Depending on his schedule, Doug does sometimes do a lot of the cooking. I tend to make the same things all the time, and he gets more creative.
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who drives? Any time we're going somewhere all together, he always drives. If we're on a long trip we'll take turns, but he still ends up driving the most.
Who is more stubborn? I don't know if I could really describe either of us as stubborn. We're both pretty laid back.
Who kissed who first? He started it. ;)
Who asked who out first? We had some friends in common at BYU, then ended up in the same ward and then got called to team-teach Gospel Doctrine together. He asked me out first (I think the first time he made me dinner, and then after that we went to a concert at the University of Utah that his band's vocalist was performing in).
Who proposed? He did. And then after we got the ring he proposed to me in Welsh. (I think he just wanted to hear what it would sound like.)
Who has more siblings? There are six kids in Doug's family and five in mine.
Who wears the pants? Again, we're both pretty laid back. Doug generally defers to me in matters of scheduling and food.

I'll tag Julie K and Mimi.


  1. How fun! I love reading stuff like this on ppl's blogs. I'm nosey:).

  2. Fun info! I love blog tags. Congrats on your baby boy coming soon!! can't wait to see pics!!

  3. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Had fun reading your answers but then went "Aw man, she tagged me!" at the end ;) Played along

  4. I love this meme, Many Years to you and your love.

    My Dh's middle name is also a family name.

  5. Anonymous3:37 PM

    This is very sweet! Love the personal details.

  6. This is fun. I might have to do it for my husband.

  7. Really enjoyed reading this.

    Love, Mom

  8. Thanks for playing along. I loved reading!


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