Sunday, August 24, 2008

Simon Says

Simon Says is one of Kate's games. (At this point it's all just "Simon Says"--we haven't been doing Simon doesn't say yet.) It can be a challenge to think of things to have her do. (I often find myself resorting to ridiculous things like, "Simon says bark like a chicken!") We also play it with her stuffed animals, which adds an additional level of interest as she has them wag their tails and wiggle their whiskers, and other things that she can't do herself.

Playing Simon Says always makes me think of Mr. Shillito, the P.E. teacher at my elementary school. Mr. Shillito was a Simon Says master of a truly fiendish order. His games were legendary. If Mr. Shillito said "Simon says spin around," and you spun around, and then he said, "Simon says raise your right hand," if you stopped spinning to raise your hand you were out. You had to keep spinning around while doing all the other things, till Simon specifically said to stop spinning. It took a lot of concentration to stay in the game. I recall him once taking on an entire grade (or more?) in a special assembly.

I found an article about Mr. Shillito receiving an award for helping a student lose weight. Good on ya. (Edit: Looking at the dates, it would seem that this is a different Mr. Shillito. Perhaps his son?)


  1. Yay for Mr. Shillito!

  2. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Cool teacher! It's great that he received this recognition before he retired. We played that version of Simon Says too. I wish it would help me lose 20 pounds now!

  3. I don't remember playing Simon says with Mr. Shillito. What I do remember getting to jump on the trampoline, back before everyone had one in their backyard. That was cool.

  4. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Cool article! I remember him calling Betsey all the time, and even Peter once.

    His WORST Simon Says trick happened when there were only two or three people left. He's say, "Good job! Come on up!" But Simon didn't say, and they'd be out too. So tricky.

  5. And if you did anything in the game that Simon didn't say, you were out. Like if he said "stand on one foot" and you fell over. I even remember him sneaking behind people and trying to scare them, and if they jumped they were out. That always struck me as playing dirty.

  6. HI! I just wanted to let you know that you won one of the camera straps from Cotton Candy by Natalie.

    Can you please send me an e-mail at natalie at stringham dot org

    Thanks and Congrats!

  7. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Oops, I mean he called ME Betsey all the time.

    There was a kid in my class named Aaron who would get a buzz haircut every few months, and Mr. Shillito would always tell him his hair was too long. =)

  8. Barb--I was wondering if that's what it was. ;)

  9. simon says- now i forgot about that one- we'll have to play it tonight when aaron comes home- by the way- that butterfly is so delicate and lovely!

  10. He seems like an awesome teacher, i read that article too! I wish all teachers were as appropriately suited to their jobs, then i think there would be more teachers like him, but who knows!:-)

  11. Huh. I do not remember him playing Simon Says AT ALL. (By the way, that article you found, what year is that from? It says Mark Shillito is 31 years old and the son of a gym teacher, so could this be his son?)

    I actually didn't like Mr. Shillito. I thought he was mean. I also couldn't understand what he said sometimes. (There was one time we were doing stuff with soccer and he had people running around the gym and when he called out "pulse check" I thought he said "ball check" so I ran out to inspect a soccer ball and he got ticked off.) I remember his quote: "Burns me up! Makes me mad!"

    I was the best at the peg board though, probably from all my experience on the brachiation ladder. I need to have a house with a brachiation ladder.

  12. I found a source saying that article was from May 2002. I assumed our Mr. Shillito was in his 40s or more by 1989.


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