Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's a...

BOY! Surprise! He was very active during the ultrasound this morning, squirming and rolling all over.

Last night Kate said something again about a sister. I told her, "Tomorrow we get to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl," and she said, "A girl!" So when I got home today I showed her the pictures and told her she was going to have a baby brother. I said, "He's going to be a little baby, and he won't do much at first. He's going to cry a lot, and sleep a lot. And when he gets older, you can play together, and you can show him how to play with your trains and your animals." And Kate said, "Oh! That'll be great!"

This is the first boy on my side of the family. Now we have to come up with a name!


  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    YAY!! That is so exciting. Too bad you already have all the girl clothes. He can wear pink pajamas, can't he?

    I bet Dad is excited to have a grandson. When I told him ours is going to be a girl, he was kind of like, "Ok, girls are nice. We know what to do with girls." It was kind of funny.

    I can't wait to get everyone together again.

    Yay and congratulations again.

  2. Hurray for boys!!! We are so happy for your family!

    Let Kate know I love her kim sandwich! Kim is one of my favorite things in the world.

  3. Congratulations on have a super-healthy baby!! This way you'll get to experience both worlds--it's always a learning experience, isn't it... =)

  4. Many congratulations to you all!!!

  5. Congratulations! Boys are WONDERFUL!!

  6. Oh my goodness, I had you pegged with two girls!

    However, since I have two boys myself, I highly recommend them! Congratulations.

  7. Yaaay!

    Congratulations- boys are fun! Well, I don't really know that first-hand, having only girls, but they *look* fun!

  8. Big congrats, Helena! I'm happy for you that all is well. I confess, though: I was certain you were having a girl!

  9. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Congratulations! Boys are great. I dig boys. And Kate will be a great train mentor.

  10. Congratulations! What a joy for your family.

  11. Congratulations! Boys are so much fun! (Girls are too, just in a different way, lol.)

  12. Congrats!! That is very exciting, boys are cool and of course girls are too! :-)

  13. Boy names are the hardest, congrats to you that is wonderful that you will have one of each now.

  14. Congrats Jole family! Little boys are great!

  15. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I don't know how to have a nephew :o

  16. Congratses!!! So excitinggg!

  17. How exciting, congratulations! We have LOVED having a boy and a girl together first and they have been total buds.

    I loved Kate's response to you prepping her... "Oh! That'll be great!" She is too cute!

  18. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Yay! I've discovered that having a girl first and a boy second is a great way to go. Good luck with the name. It took us forever to find a boy's name that we liked. 'course we also wanted one that was the same pronunciation in Chinese as in English.

  19. Congrats!!! Boys are FUN...and SO different than girls! Good luck to ya! hahaha!!! :o)

  20. How fun!!! Congratulations!!! I had no idea that you were pregnant! I have finally figure this out and I have now added you to my blog!!! Yay!!! Boys are fun. I hope all is well. When are you due? Have a great day : )

  21. I loved all the comments. And Betsey really will learn how to have a nephew. :-) Next summer ought to be a blast.

    Love, Mom

  22. I'm partial to Shrek...

  23. Hey, congratulations!!!

    This is the sort of news I miss out on for forgetting to check your blog in, well, practically ever (it's been a very long time).


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