Tuesday, August 05, 2008

All tied up, lately

It's been unseasonably cool lately (we haven't been complaining--it's been nice after the heat in California), but now we are having a bit of a warm spell. We slept with the fan on last night for the first time in weeks.

I discovered that Kate will eat frozen peas for a snack! Hooray! We've been looking for ways to get more green veggies and fiber in her. (And hey, they're cheaper than frozen peaches.)

I haven't been posting much, since I've been busy working on some more digi stuff. (I do have some pretzel-making pictures to post, but I want to double-check something on the recipe first.) Here's the most recent project:

(Update: Since NDISB has closed, the twine set is now available here, with coordinating freebie.)

I've been working on various bits of twine since last November, and including them in some of our monthly collaborative kits at NDISB, intending that eventually I would release them in an all-twine package. I finally finished up the last bit that was half-done, and got all the other pieces together. I also made this cute layout to show them off:

That's some very time-consuming extraction. I think next I'll do something easier!


  1. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Wow, amazing work as usual!

    So, are the frozen peas frozen when she eats them? Trying to think of new ways to get veggies in Jaylene...

  2. Yes, that twine is way fussy!! Gorgeous work you've done with it...

  3. Unique templates. Gorgeous!

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    ow, lovely photo!, and love the LO too :)

  5. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I am ALL over that twine! Off to buy it now! :)

  6. My DD will eat frozen peas as well but makes quite the fuss if I cook them. Apparently frozen grapes are good too, just buy grapes, wash them spread on a cookie sheet and freeze.

    The twine is fabulous but would be very time consuming to make.

  7. Helena, your stuff is always the most realistic! I can't believe how good this twine looks! Keep up the AMAZING work!

  8. the twine looks fabulous! so realistic...love it!

  9. Anonymous3:08 PM

    That layout is precious. I really like the way the matting folds over the twine.

  10. The twine is great! Headed now for a closer peek!


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