Monday, July 07, 2008

Redondo Beach

We spent a couple of fun hours at Redondo Beach. Karen said that the best time to go to the beach was either in the morning, before it gets too hot, or after 4:00 or so. I can see where going in the morning would have an advantage--the sun wouldn't be in your eyes when you were looking out at the water. But we had a good time!

Kate wasn't interested in getting in the water (it was moving, and obviously out to get her), but she enjoyed playing in the sand and making sand angels. She was intrigued by the difference between the wet sand and the dry sand.

Some of the more adventurous of our party went pretty far out, ducking under the big waves and bobbing up and down in the water.

Our only casualty of the day was Kyle's glasses, which were knocked off by a big wave (probably not this one) and swept away. He had to make do with his contacts for the rest of the trip.

Barb and Kyle.

Peter, Karen, and Elizabeth (it was windy!)

I just liked the light through the beach umbrella on this one.

When it was time to go I asked Kate if she wanted to go up the stairs or up the ramp, and she picked the stairs. (I shouldn't have asked, I know.) Nobody else chose to join us in our climb!


  1. Anonymous10:51 PM

    LOL at your stair climbing adventures!

  2. That beach looks sooo wonderful right now! What a great trip for you guys... you had all sorts of fun! And can I just add that I can't even tell you're pregnant... you look fantastic.


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