Monday, July 14, 2008

Masks and Mats

I haven't had a new product in...oh, about three months, but I finally got these done and up in the store on Saturday. I have a few other things that are kind of half-done, which is frustrating. I'll finish them up eventually!

(Update:  Since NDISB has closed, this set is now available here.)

These are a few samples I made to show how the masks and mats work together:


  1. I saw those in the newsletter... they're *nice*!!

  2. Oh Helena, those are awesome!

  3. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Those are fantastic! BTW, I've never seen a ramp for bowling before, although I'd heard of the bumpers.

  4. I wouldn't have any idea how to use those (I'm a paper girl!) but they look very cool.

    I can't believe how big Kate is... she is simply adorable!!

    Thank you so much for the well-wishes after my oral surgery adventure!!!

  5. You can take all the time in the world to create new products if they are going to look like this! :)

    Great job!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)