Saturday, June 28, 2008

Now we are twelve

The family is growing! Baby Elizabeth was born in January. By next year, we'll be fourteen. How exciting!

These were taken at a park near Peter and Karen's house. Karen has a friend who lives nearby, who came and took some family pictures for us. We had the usual trouble getting a good shot of everyone.

Kirsten busts a move.

Kate thinks this is boring.

Kate and Grandma--she has a wheelchair that she uses sometimes when going out of the house. Kate enjoyed riding on Grandma's lap.

Barb and Kyle. Barb's due in October. I had a dream last night that she was having boy/girl twins, but the ultrasound confirms there's only one. They're expecting a girl!

Betsey, Barb, and me. (Family resemblance?)

What, you won't smile for the camera? Well I'll... I'll tickle you, that's what I'll do!

Karen makes a clover chain for Elizabeth.

Elizabeth approves!

Elizabeth at home.

Elizabeth gets a kiss from Aunt Kirsten.

The cousins! (Looks like neither one of them is quite sure about this....)

That's my sweet family! I wish we could get together more often. It's hard when everyone's so scattered. I'll have more pictures from our trip soon!


  1. *grins* That was wonderful--thank you for sharing!

  2. Such beautiful pictures! They really capture personality. :) You are so blessed!

  3. Anonymous12:11 AM

    You've got such a lovely family. I bet you could get some great photos with the trick from where everyone gets into position, and then those who can run fast get *behind* the camera with the photographer and run with him/her to get back into position before the timer goes off.

  4. Aaaw, makes me miss my family, most of whom are 6,000 miles away.

  5. What great photos!

  6. Sigh! Brings back memories. I agree, it's too bad we're so scattered. Love your pictures.

    Love, Mom

  7. I'm so glad you left copies of your photos on Peter's computer. I especially love the series with Kirsten kissing Elizabeth. It was perfectly spontaneous, and both of them thought it was so much fun (Elizabeth LOVES kisses), I'm glad some of the pictures turned out. We also got some good ones of Kirsten wearing the daisy chain once Elizabeth was through. Now that my family has all gone, I might get some stuff posted from June. Thanks!

  8. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Wow, I look like I don't get outside at all. Oh wait...

  9. What a beautiful family! So glad you had an opportunity to spend time with them. :)

  10. I love your family photos! It's neat to see your family all together and it looks like you guys had a nice time. I really love the picture of the 3 of you when you're tickling Kate.


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