Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rice Cooker and Spin-A-Lift

More from The Amazing Digi Scrapping Race! Challenge #5 was to scrap an interview with an inanimate object, so I decided to do our rice cooker, Lucky. We got Lucky in Korea almost twelve years ago, and he's still going strong!

(You can click on the picture to see it bigger.) 보시다시피 means "as you can see." Heh.

Challenge #6 was over at Sweet Shoppe Designs, where they do something called Spin-A-Lift. This is where you take somebody else's layout and rotate or flip it, and then use that composition to create a new layout. For this challenge one team member had to pick a layout from the other team member's gallery to rotate and scraplift, but also reverse the original subject matter. I used this layout of Karin's:

This is her daughter swimming. So I rotated the design clockwise and made a page about Kate not swimming.

(credits here)

Kate keeps looking at this photo and talking about going to the swimming pool. Maybe she doesn't remember how much she hated it. I guess we'll try again this summer.


  1. Giggle. Cute layout.

    Poor Kate, I'm sure she'll swim this year.

  2. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I wish we had a Lucky. I'd use it atleast once a week.

    Love the layouts! and Kate's art!

  3. Remind me to talk with Lucky next time we're there. (tee hee)

  4. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Rice cookers are great! You can even bake bread in them or cook spaghetti.

    It took Jaylene a long time to become one with the swimming pool. Lessons from a handsome young Teacher Tyler helped her (*rolls eyes*) and now she's like a fish in the water.

  5. The interview with the rice cooker is hilarious! And a great layout too! My rice cooker is 16 years old (old enough to drive, lol).

  6. I love Lucky's interview... what a fabulous idea! Swimming isn't all it's cracked up to be anyhow... perhaps skiing is more her thing ;)

  7. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Cute, cute layouts! Would love to have a rice cooker... we eat kind of a lot of rice. Lucky sounds like a very happy and well-adjusted cooker.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)