Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Kids these days....

We were at Target on Monday and ran across this--a 50-pack of Play-Doh. Yep, that's fifty different colors. Why, back when I was a young 'un, we had to mix our own Play-Doh colors. And we liked it.


  1. Wow! Just what every kid needs ;)

  2. My kids just end up smooshing all the colors together anyway.

  3. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I just had dough colored dough! Jaylene would adore 50 colors though. She takes a clay class in kindergarten and loves it.

  4. If I were a kid I'd be in heaven. That is awesome.

  5. I had no idea Playdough came in so many colors!

  6. Wow, that's a lot of play doh!
    I had no idea it came in so many colors either.

  7. Anonymous2:50 AM

    And this,,, in mmy opinion,,, is what is wrong wiuth the world today! Too much, too soon, too young

  8. yikes, that is a lot. And like another poster said, so unnecessary since it just ends up in one brownish blog in the end anyway. It is packaged awfully cute though!


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