Thursday, January 10, 2008

Settlers of Not-Catan

Doug found this site at with a game that is remarkable like a certain other game that we like to play. There are a few cosmetic differences, but the interface is not hard to figure out. You can play with other people or with bots. The bots are all named after "Friends" characters. It's rather embarrassing to lose to a bot named Chandler or Phoebe, but it's fun to play. There are lots of different maps to try.

There are a couple of other games on the site as well. The Settlers game is called Xplorers. Unfortunately Rebecca wasn't able to get it to work on her Mac, so we couldn't play together.

1 comment:

  1. Helena, you have been tagged on my blog. I don't think it's your 'thing' to post quizzes, but it was amusing and easy to do, so I thought of you. -Katy (who still needs to hook up with you for a few Photoshop lessons!)


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)