Saturday, January 12, 2008

Quote of the Day

"There's a fine line between Lunch and Disaster. And I think I crossed it."


  1. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Oooh, that pretty much sums up all my cooking endeavors.

  2. Anonymous9:18 PM

    So how did it taste? Or did you give up and go out for pizza?

  3. Anonymous4:37 AM

    My boys are learning to cook, and sometimes this quote could apply. Thanks goodness for peanutbutter and jelly!

  4. LOL! Too funny. I've crossed that line several times. Sometimes it's just easier to stop by Taco Bell!!!

  5. Anonymous9:24 AM

    You've got us all wondering now what happened to that lunch...

  6. Anonymous10:33 AM

    In a moment of culinary confusion, I used a liquid to rice ratio of 4:1, instead of the desired nearly 1:1. But I realized this in time to transform the planned-for "pilau" into a Jambalaya-ish dish.

  7. I think my worst cooking disaster ocurred one night when we invited friends over for Family Home Evening. I made a cake from scratch that was supposed to have a nifty sauce poured over it before eating. For best results the sauce should be warm before being poured over the cake, so I waited until just before we were to eat it to prepare the sauce. I couldn't understand why it kept foaming up and not getting thick no matter now much thickener I poured into it. Suddenly I discovered the problem--I was pouring baking soda into it instead of cornstarch! Well, both boxes are yellow…


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