Friday, December 21, 2007

When Moms Blog

...It's a new experience. Well, I blog, and I'm a mom. But this is about my mom. She started a blog recently, and I've been reading things about my mother that I never knew before. Just reading her profile was an education--she has "Sleepless in Seattle" and "Star Trek IV" listed as her favorite movies, which I never would have guessed. Most recently she posted the story of how my dad proposed to her 42 years ago, which was very sweet. I've been thinking that we need to get some of these things written down. This may be the best way to get it done.

And today is my mom's birthday! Happy birthday, Mom! Here's to many more years.


  1. Hi Helena,

    I loved your comments about my blogging. Yes, it's a new experience and I'm having a blast. Actually I might add more movies if I think of any. I've been adding books as others come to mind. When I started all I had listed was "Lifter," which is definitely my favorite book. Too bad the ending isn't better, but oh well. I've always thought that we ought to be able to fly, so "Lifter" is very appealing.

    Love, Mom

  2. Happy Birthday to your Mom! Many Years!


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