Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Twine Thing

I finally finished up the knotted twine extraction that I was working on here. It's now part of this month's customer appreciation kit "Dress in Layers" (a set of layered templates) at NDISB. It'll be available separately later. I was putting together a sample layout for the template and this is what I came up with. I like it. Kind of minimalist.

Edit: The twine package is now available here.


  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    ohh i was wondering how that would turn out! looks great.

  2. I refuse to believe that is digital.

    You are amazing.

    I want to touch my computer screen to feel the nubby texture. And yeah...I try to touch things in 3D movies too.

  3. Wow, that's incredible. And the torn paper is fabulous as well! And that knot is really well-tied, too. And the whole layout... well, you get the drift: SUPERB!


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