Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas hat

Realizing that I'd better not put off the Christmas card thing any longer, I picked up this hat yesterday, and today took pictures. When I told Kate, "Let's go outside and take pictures with the Christmas hat!" she said "Okay!" and seemed excited enough, but once we got outside she was less than enthusiastic. She did put the hat on, but attempts to get her to smile were at first met with scowls and hollers. "No!" (Get that camera out of my face!) But then she did give me a little smile. Awww.

Our little girl is getting so big! And as cute as ever. :)

Our mailman came by while I was taking pictures of Kate (nice guy from the Philippines). We talk cameras sometimes. He's a Nikon guy. So I asked him if he'd take some of me and Kate together, but I completely forgot that I hadn't brushed my hair yet. Oops. This one doesn't look too bad.

I whipped up a card this afternoon and ordered prints from mpix. With any luck I'll get them out before Christmas!


  1. what cutie pics and you've made a really nice card!

  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Cute photos! This reminds me that I need to get my cards done!

  3. She is such a doll! Great photos, great card.

  4. What a little cutie! Great Christmas card!

  5. The pictures are great and your card is lovely..everybody receiving it will be delighted!

  6. I Love the Card. I even put it on our screen saver.

    Love, Mom

  7. SO cute! You did a great job!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)