Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas food

This is one of the things that I got for Doug for Christmas. Salt! Not just any salt--Danish Viking-Smoked Sea Salt. We don't know if this means it's smoked by Vikings, or perhaps on Vikings. Doug thinks it's pretty cool. We've been enjoying trying it on things. A little goes a long way. We liked it in our bacon lentil soup, and on salmon.

I ordered some Wallace and Gromit Wensleydale for Barb and Kyle (completely forgetting that they were going to Ohio for Christmas, but it worked out okay. It was delivered the day before they left). Doug also brought home some for us, from Tacoma Boys. It's expensive, but hey, it's Christmas. We have gotten it once before and liked it. It has kind of a grainy texture and a nice flavor, and it's really good with pear.

We got Ratatouille for Christmas (from Betsey!) and were disappointed to discover that there's no commentary on the DVD. Bummer! I was looking forward to hearing Brad Bird. We also borrowed Stardust from Scott this past weekend. I enjoyed it a lot. I thought it was very nicely self-contained and well realized. But it doesn't have a commentary either. What's up with that?

Tonight we are going to go over to Rebecca's and play Settlers, and snack. Sounds like fun. Happy New Year!


  1. Great Blog!!! I love your Korean stuff!

  2. I didn't know that Wallace & Grommit cheese existed. I might have to get some - love those movies. :) Ratatouille is also a favorite of mine. Bummer about no commentary though.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment! :)

  3. Wallace and Grommit cheese makes me giggle. I call all smelly cheese "Stinking Bishop" cheese, or "Old man on the subway" cheese.

    I can't believe how grown up Kate looks. She's growing waay too fast!

  4. I think that Stardust was my favorite movie I saw last year. I JUST got the book (after waiting patiently in the library hold line since August) and am excited to dig in & discover which version I like best.

  5. Anonymous4:07 PM

    We saw Stardust last weekend, and enjoyed it a lot too. I think we will buy it sometime. It was nicely done.


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