Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Christmas and a tangent

Yesterday I ran up to Tacoma Boys to get a few things for dinner, and while I was there I heard the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing "Come With Me to Bethlehem." (On the radio, that is--the Tabernacle Choir was not actually at Tacoma Boys.) I had an instant flashback to three years ago--I was very pregnant, I was at Ross and Cathryn's place painting, the house was all warm and decorated for Christmas, and a CD with that song was playing. Even though the painting I was copying was of Jerusalem and had absolutely nothing to do with Christmas, the song and the setting just seemed to go together--the Holy Land, and the buildings glowing pink in the sunset. Apparently I was not the only one who thought so, as one of the girls asked me if the people with the camel were Mary and Joseph.

I had never heard "Come With Me to Bethlehem" anywhere else before last night. The timing seemed especially significant, since I had just been talking to Cathryn that morning. Their daughter Brittany got married this summer and they wanted some books to give to the grandparents for Christmas, so I'd been working on that. (I just happened to check Shared Ink and noticed that their deadline for Christmas orders was Dec. 4, so it was a bit of a scramble there, getting it all put together over a couple of days.) It was fun to be able to work with these lovely photos. Here are a few of the pages:

That picture of all the kids is going on a Christmas card, too. Isn't it great?

We made bacon lentil soup again tonight (Doug made it--I helped a bit). I'm starving! Time to go eat!


  1. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Helena your talent always amazes me! Kate looks way too grown up in your last post. Can't believe she will be 3 soon, or that my JC is turning 10. Who gave them permission to grow up?

  2. I'm glad you clarified :)

    Isn't it funny how something will trip a memory like that?

    Beautiful page!

  3. Anonymous10:19 AM

    oh wow! I love all the layouts! I have THE HARDEST time with multipic ones! You did fantastic!

  4. those pictures are beautiful...and I really really love that quote

  5. Your LOs are really beautiful!

  6. What a nice memory, I adore the motab. : )

    Oh, and stationary ; )

  7. Beautiful photos, looks like a wonderful day!

  8. Gorgeous photos, especially the one of all the kids.

  9. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Gorgeous book. We haven't even really printed out many of our wedding photos yet, and it will be 2 years in about 2 weeks!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)