Thursday, November 01, 2007

Jack o' Lantern

Kate and I picked up this pumpkin at Tacoma Boys on Saturday. When I say "picked up," I use that purely in the colloquial sense. The thing weighed forty-three pounds, and it was also rather slippery, being dampish. I rolled it inside to pay for it, and then got someone to carry it out to the car for me.

We carved it out on the back porch. Kate was very interested in the process.

I asked Kate if she wanted a happy pumpkin or a scary pumpkin, and she said, "Scary!" I did my best. I suppose he looks a bit cross, at least.

The lighting:

That last picture is pretty blurry, but I thought it was cute!


  1. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Cute! I love these. Kyle and I did two pumpkins each this year. I'll send you pics soon. One on my is a "grandpa pumpkin face" one with glasses and a bushy moustache. Carving pumpkins sure is fun.

  2. Anonymous2:42 PM

    One "of" mine. Sorry.

  3. Great carving job! Love the last photo. I ccan never get Cole to hold still for photos like that, they are always very burred.

  4. Anonymous5:27 AM

    That is some pumpkin! And your adorable ballerina looks enchanting. Just wait until she demands to be a princess (or perhaps a pigeon) *every* year!

  5. I love the pumpkin photo that has a mushroom in it. It's a great artistic touch -- the kind I so admire in other people's photos, but never think to use in my own -- when I take them at all.

    Good job

  6. Yep, our lawn is so damp that it's sprouting. That's the biggest mushroom I've seen here. I thought it would make a good prop.


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