Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Crashing and Goofing

I haven't been getting a lot done lately. This is partly due to an external hard drive crash which left me with a damaged partition and also left me unable to access most of my programs for a day or so, and also due to a vague unfocused feeling that has been lingering. I think I just burned myself out on designing for a bit, concentrating so much on it this past month. Or it could just be a seasonal malaise.

I've got lots of things I could be working on. Even things I should be working on. But mostly I've just been goofing around. The day that the hard drive crashed, in an effort to soothe my nerves till Doug got home, I got some friends from ndisb and digishoptalk to play iSketch with me (it's like online Pictionary). Here's my attempt to draw "mouthwash":

I also had some fascinating, frustrating fun with FreeRice.com. It's a word-defining game. After you answer a few questions it gives you a vocabulary level (40, if you don't miss any of the first words), and then after that you go up a level for every three words you get right, but down a level every time you miss one. I played it off and on for a good part of the day and finally got up to level 50 (the highest level).

It was interesting to see how many words I didn't know but was able to guess correctly, just from the way they sounded, or sometimes from the way the answers were worded. I also learned that a tartuffe is not a sea slug.

We got a new hard drive and were able to recover most of the data on the damaged partition with http://www.file-recovery.net/ . Whew! I suppose I'll have to get back to work.


  1. A tartuffe is a hypocrite, right? Like the Moliere play? Just guessing here... I've never seen so many words not in common use as I did at FreeRice.com.

  2. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Ouch! Having a hard drive crash is so not good. We lost our whole computer and had to do the file/drive recovery thing too.

    Hope all is better now. Love the mouthwash drawing. Too cute!

  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I'm glad your hard drive was recoverable. I finally convinced Kendell to get an external hard drive and I sleep much better knowing my files are backed up. Is that weird?

    The rice game...Haley and I played it for a solid hour last week. She kept saying "Mom, how'd you know that word?" and honestly, lots of times I'm not sure how I knew the word! I think I was at 45 or 46 when bedtime finally struck!

  4. I'm so glad your hard drive is alive!

    I agree, knowing root words and contexts is huge in my ability to figure out what a word means. I had a grand time with that site as well.

  5. Thanks for posting about freerice.com. I've been sharing it with my friends and coworkers.

  6. Anonymous5:59 AM

    So glad your data was recovered.

    Your post reminded me of a short story I recently read by Margaret Atwood. The characters make up faux definitions of words, that resemble other words. For example, "Paranoid" A wide-angle camera for taking snapshots of maniacs. I didn't really think it was a good story, but I liked their fun definitions.


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)