Monday, October 01, 2007

돌 -- Korean first birthday kit

I've been working on this kit for a few weeks, and finally finished. It's uploading to NDISB as we speak. (Which is going to take a while--the kit just kept getting bigger and bigger, and topped 100MB. I had to break it into three zip files.) I've been kicking around this idea for quite a while now, and was really pleased with the way it turned out, especially the "tancheong" style borders and elements. That was fun. I ended up making three separate previews, just because there was so much there, and because there are a few different styles in the kit.

Tol (also spelled Dol) is the Korean first birthday event, which includes the tradition of placing the child in front of a table with various items on it to see which one they pick. (That's what we did for Kate's birthday, even though she's not Korean.)

While I was at it, I also made some blog banners for Eva. I've been enjoying reading blogs of people in Korea lately (and Kimberly in China). Though it aggravates my travel bug, which may not be a good thing. Alas!

Update:  Since NDISB has closed, this kit is now available here.


  1. The kit is beautiful! And Tol seems like a fun tradition. Natalie's first birthday is in a few weeks. We'll have to give it a try.

  2. This is wonderful--I love the colors and the attention to detail. You do such beautiful work.

  3. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Helena, those are gorgeous! I am amazed! And I hear you on the travel-bug thing...I've been itching to go somewhere without kids, but as no one would like to take mine for a few days, I don't think that'll happen!

  4. Hi Helena! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Those are gorgeous stuff! Are you going to make a Japanese kit? :) Beth (kewl_jive)


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