Friday, June 22, 2007

Here, kitty kitty kitty!

The latest project!


  1. oh wow... that really touched me. that is absolutely gorgeous! i can't stop looking at it!!

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I actually got teary-eyed when I saw your sweet kitty drawing. Even though she doesn't look like Fern, this little picture touched my heartstrings and helped me realize how very much I miss her. --Dad walked in just now, saw me blubbering and asked what was wrong. I pointed to the picture and told him how I felt about it. He said, "Wow, that's amazing." He understood exactly what I meant. :-)

    Just this morning I was feeling bad again about not being able to go very many places or get involved in very much with the kids over the years because of my health challenges. Well I realized that all of the kids just got to stay home and develop their talents. It helps to put it all into perspective.

    Thanks for sharing your talents with everyone.

    Love, Mom

    p.s. Congrats on the swimsuit! I hope it works well for you.

  3. Beautiful work! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Your drawing is simply beautiful! I think even though I have all the digital art programs, drawing's still my heart and soul. Thanks for sharing! (ps) tho you've resized your drawing - I'd highly suggest you at the very least sign or copyright it! Its sad to have to think this way - but you do...


  5. Wow, Helena, that drawing is amazing! You are so talented! Thanks for sharing your talents with us!

    Becky O from NDISB

  6. Absolutely GORGEOUS!! My gosh! Well done! I have a kitty drawing I did of my Snowshoe posted on my gallery blog. Cats are so much fun to draw! So very expressive


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