Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Grandma Mary and Grandpa Al

Doug's parents left yesterday. They were here for almost a week. We got to spend some fun time together, and I particularly enjoyed having someone around to watch Kate while I took a shower in the mornings. One morning they went out for a walk with the stroller and were gone for rather a long time, and when they got back they were pushing a different stroller! That was a surprise. They'd been up near Kmart, going up a curb when a wheel snapped right off. They went into Kmart and got us a new stroller. (The other one was a hand-me-down--the plastic buckle on the seat belt also broke recently, so we'd been resorting to tying the strap around Kate.) They also got a little toy piano keyboard for Kate, that she's been having a lot of fun with. It's the grandparents' job to get noisy toys, right?

We went downtown to ride the Link (the light rail), which Kate calls "the little train." She gets very excited about it. We went to the library, and then ended up at this fountain where we let Kate walk around on the blocks and watch the water for a while. She loves fountains.

We also went to the beach, on another day, and sifted sand while Doug graded papers. Kate likes to walk on the big driftwood logs. Sometimes she climbs up too high and makes us nervous.

On Friday we went to the Indian buffet in Lakewood for lunch, and then went to Fort Steilacoom park. This park has the coolest playground.

On previous outings we'd gotten Kate to go down this slide with a lot of coaxing, but this time she was just zipping down it all by herself. Wheee!

Here's Kate at the top and bottom of the slide. When going in at the top she would turn around and wave and say "See you later!" Too cute.

Living so far from our families, Kate doesn't get to see either set of grandparents very often. We weren't sure how she was going to react to having extra people in the house, but she quickly figured out who her new play-buddy was, and learned to say "Damma!" for Grandma. When she saw these pictures she said "That's Damma!"


  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Oh she's just growing up way too fast! What a cutie.

  2. That connection with grandparents is so important! I'm glad you got a good visit (and got free shower time, yay!)

  3. I really like your work, it's pretty interesting stuff. :)


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