Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Dress

Here's Kate in the pretty dress that her Aunt Barbie made for her. (It looks a lot like last year's dress, since they were both made from fabrics that Barb picked out for her wedding.)

We have church from 9:00 to 12:00. It's always a mad dash to get Kate ready in the morning, and then when we get home she's tired and cranky, but I took along my camera so could snap a few pictures as soon as we got home (and she had a couple of eggs that they gave her in Nursery). It was sunny and the lighting was not great, and Kate did not have an overabundance of patience. Here she is hollering at me to stop taking her picture.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Very cute! Thanks for posting so quickly. I was excited to see it on her. Maybe next year can be a different color =) Too bad she didn't want her picture taken! That's funny.


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