Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The new place

This is what our kitchen floor looks like. There's also a mottled brown shag carpet. Let's just say our ugly couch and our harvest-gold kitchen chairs fit right in.

We are missing our little yard, and our two bathrooms and our walk-in closet. The washer and dryer here are also not quite as nice. But there is quite a bit more storage space in the kitchen, which is great. On the whole, it's not bad. We're probably in the worst spot in the entire complex as far as being surrounded by parking lot on all sides, but there is some nice grass not too far away.

Kate doesn't seem particularly phased (err... fazed. I have been corrected. I knew that. Yeah.) at being in a new place. (She was upset by the old place after we got everything moved out.) It's like, "All my stuff is here, I guess this is where I live now." She's got her little plastic animals all over the living room.

This is the stack-o'-books in Kate's room. What's going to be Kate's room. We found the diaper boxes very useful for moving books (they have handles!) but we only had a few, so we loaded up the boxes, took them over to the new place, stacked the books against the wall, and took the boxes home to get more books. I have since made quite a bit of progress in getting the books back on the shelves, but I wanted to take a picture of the pile first.


  1. I think we had the same vinyl with burnt orange shag carpet in the last rental we lived in!

    Books look good.

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Ohhhhh.... all those books! That is my idea of heaven on earth. Kate is so lucky to have parents who love books. She is going to grow up savoring the written word. Such a gift you have given her. Sigh... all those books...

  3. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Naena! It's "fazed." :)

  4. Looks like my kids room, but with childrens books! *love* the flooring!

  5. Kate sure reads a lot for a 2 year old! :)


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)