Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The answer is 42

The question: How old is Doug today?

Kate has been sick. She was feverish on Sunday, threw up twice on Monday, and has in general been needing a lot of comfort and care. We haven't been getting much else done. This morning I looked at the date on the computer and thought, "Oh yeah, it's Doug's birthday!"

Kate was much better today--not completely well, but much better, and going stir-crazy from being cooped up inside--so we all went out to I Love Bento for a birthday lunch. Kate got her own bowl of miso soup with extra tofu, which she was just gobbling down. That was good to see. It's so hard when she's sick.

It's also my sister Barb's birthday, so we called tonight and sang to her and then she sang to Doug. It's a tradition in my family that we always call and sing Happy Birthday to each other over the phone (often as badly as possible, holding out the "toooo yooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" at the end, like the stork on Dumbo). As the family has scattered it just means we get more phone calls and more songs. It's fun.

Happy Birthday Doug!


  1. Happy Birthday. 42 is very Douglas Adams.

  2. Anonymous6:33 AM

    What? Not how many roads must a man walk? Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOOOOO YOUOUOUOUOU!!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!! Mattea is 7 today. She says happy birthday to Doug too (also known as Kate's daddy).


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