Saturday, December 02, 2006

Giraffe, take 2

AmyB said she wanted a copy of my giraffe doodle for her son, so I said I'd make her a better one.

I used a reference photo for this one, one of Scott Coulter's from pbase. I always work better from reference materials. The original has a particular quirk that I didn't replicate here, though. Check it out for some giraffe humor.


  1. He's beautiful!

    But I really think you should one with the tongue. ;-)

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    wow! that is gorgeous!

  3. Aw c,mon, you didn't like that little quirk?

    Well done. Giraffes are cool.

  4. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I love that giraffe...It would sure be easier if WE could do that! I actually thought you were going to show us a photo of the giraffe at the Santa Barbara (Ca) zoo. It is a reticulated giraffe, and it has a crooked neck...very cool. your painted one is adorable. Santa is bringing me a tablet (graphire bluetooth) and I cannot wait...

  5. Anonymous8:03 PM

    What a handsome giraffe! Very nice work on this. I agree that he looks better with the tongue planted firmly in the cheek instead of the nose :)

  6. Oh my gosh! I am always amazed by what one can do with a Wacom. Thank you for inspiring me to actually take mine off the shelf and use it! :)

  7. Anonymous4:17 PM

    You should be an illustrator for childrens' books!


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