Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Snow Day

Kate says, "Hey Mom, what's all that white stuff?"

We have snow! We had some light flurries coming down at lunch time yesterday, and Kate was sitting in her highchair watching the snow through the sliding glass doors. After we finished eating I bundled her up and took her outside, in her new hat and her oversized mittens which didn't stay on long. Before long we had big wet splatty flakes. Kate didn't quite know what to think. She was intrigued but kind of hesitant. (I think we got our Christmas card picture there--isn't it cute?)

Both of Doug's schools canceled classes today, so we had a cozy day at home. My graphics tablet was supposed to be delivered today, which would have been great since Doug was home to help me hook it up, but it didn't come. Apparently the UPS man was affected by the weather, too. We hope it comes tomorrow!


  1. How sweet! I love the photos.

  2. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Kate is just too photogenic! Ya just gotta love the wonder of snow through a child's eyes.

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Helena, she is so beautiful! I definitely think that's a great Christmas card photo! Oh, and I have to tell you...I am giggling at her comments when you bought her the mattress. How many almost-two-year-olds know it's "lie" instead of "lay"??? (How many adults, for that matter?)

  4. Anonymous7:37 AM

    What a cutie. Perfect Christmas card pictures.

  5. So cute! I'm glad you had a quiet day and that she enjoyed.

  6. Oh no!! Don't let the weather keep the Wacom away! Dude, you NEED that! But, you got some adorable pictures out of the deal.

  7. Anonymous9:59 AM

    They gave you a snow day for light flurries?!? We never get snow days in Utah, even in blizzards.

  8. she just gets cuter by the minute. those photos are precious. =)


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