Monday, July 24, 2006

Keeping Cool

One of the things I liked about this apartment is the patio and the little grassy lawn area out back. Of the four buildings in the complex, ours is the only one where the back porches face east, so we're nice and shady in the afternoon. We've been spending a lot of time out there while it's been so hot.

This is Kate on Sunday, with Ozzie, one of her puppet friends. (We couldn't decide whether he was supposed to be a cheetah or a leopard, so we declared him an ocelot and named him Ozzie.) She was so cute with her little pink skirt on, I just had to get some pictures. We've discovered that if she's out there barefoot she's less likely to run around the side of the building where the beauty bark is, so we don't have to keep chasing after her. We can sit outside and draw or grade papers or talk to Grandma on the cell phone.

When Kate sees this picture she points and says, "Ossie! Ossie!"

1 comment:

  1. she just gets cuter every time i visit your blog. =) you'd think there would be some kind of cuteness max out but nope! not for Kate!


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