Saturday, July 01, 2006

Here it is!

My big news: I'm now a designer at! (That's Natural Designs in Scrapbooking.) I got my firefly kit up in the store today. It's official--I've got my profile picture there and everything. Woo hoo! (Yes, I'm excited....) And I'll be featured as a new designer in the July newsletter, which should be out in the next week or so. Theresa and everybody else at ndisb have been just great, showing me the ropes and helping me get set up. The biggest problem was getting those big files uploaded--apparently our Comcast cable modem connection, for which we pay good money every month, does not like uploads of more than 10MB or so. Doug was able to take my files to school and send them from there.

You can see all my stuff (so far) here. If you download the free sample tag, there's a coupon for 10% off the full kit. I was especially pleased with the way the stitches and my larkshead knot ribbon turned out.

Doug has been so amazingly patient and helpful as I've been working on all this (everything always takes longer than you think it's going to...). For my next project I'm going to tackle some of these pictures from Ohio. Actually my immediate next project probably should be straightening up the house a bit. And then I really, really have to free up some space on my external hard drive.


  1. Helena!

    This is so cool! I am not a digital scrapper but you may persuade me with your attention to detail, especially the ribbon knots. Congratulations!

  2. Congats! It's beautiful!

  3. It's so beautiful! It brings back memories of the first (and only) time I've seen fireflies!

  4. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Congrats Helena! You are a very talented artiste! :-)


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)