Thursday, April 27, 2006

Mural pictures!

I finished up the Cupboard Under the Stairs on April 12th. Doug went out with me and helped me take pictures and get everything packed up.

Sylvia's husband is going to put a little bookshelf back in the bottom corner, where the ceiling slopes down to the floor. They'll have a small TV in there and all the Harry Potter books and movies. Sylvia's also got some quilts that she made with Harry Potter fabric, and bean bags.

Signing the mural and taking all the tape off is always an exciting moment. It looks so different without the blue tape outlines.

Sylvia's daughter Wendy found some glow-in-the-dark paint, and we thought about putting it on the moon and all the windows, but I tested out a little area and thought it wouldn't look very good. I did put little dabs on all the lamp posts, which is kind of a neat effect.

Kate was just six weeks old when I started painting. If I had known this was going to take so long, I would have taken regular pictures of Kate in front of the mural, so we could see them grow up together.

This last picture is stitched together from a few photos. If I get a wide-angle lens for my camera I'll have to go back and take more.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    i'm just blown away by the detail work here. awesome work, so fun to watch you all this time completing it!

  2. this is just spectacular!! Way to go Helena!! great job!

  3. Amazing, Helena. :)

  4. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Helena, It is glorious. Thanks for sharing.

  5. ...good heavens, you are *amazing*... :-O

  6. Anonymous1:59 PM

    It turned out so incredibly beautiful! You are so talented! Congratulations on a job beautifully done!

  7. absolutely gorgeous!!

  8. That is beautiful!

  9. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Hi, I just stumbled on your blog and had to tell you that this is beautiful! My kids are HP crazy also, and I can't wait to show them when they come home!

  10. Helena, It is absolutely stunning and they are so lucky to have this piece of your talent. I absolutely marvel at how you managed to have that perfect moonglow around the clouds.

    Kinda makes the unfinished Sandra Boynton rip-off African animals under our cupboard look pretty amateur.

    Which it is.

    Well done!


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