Saturday, April 01, 2006

April Fool!

This is my avatar on Two Peas.

This is my avatar on Two Peas for April Fool's Day.

I'm easily amused.


  1. Wow your mustache is very becoming. CUTE!!! Personally, I think you should leave it like that. Maybe Doug likes it?! Hmm..? :)

  2. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Helena - I got curious and was checking out your blog (it was your avatar that intrigued me!), and was so glad I did! You have a beautiful family, your photography is just amazing(!!) and your life is so interesting! Don't know when I'll check it again, I always forget to look at blogs, but wanted you to know I think your's is great! - Rose (daisyrose)


Thanks for stopping by! We love comments!

(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)