Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Almost done!

Work on the Cupboard Under the Stairs has been progressing very slowly. I've only been out to Port Orchard to work on it a few times since Christmas. I was working on rocks for a while, then got sick of that and spent a day putting bars on windows. This picture was taken back in February. Those little floating white things are lamp posts. Or rather, they're lamps with no posts. I've since put in the posts so they are no longer floating. (The perspective on that building looks really weird--I think it's just the angle of the wall. I hope!)

Last Wednesday Kate and I went painting again. I've been saying for quite a while now that I only had "just a little bit more" to do, but this time I finally felt like I was really almost done. There's a bit of water along the bottom that needs to be put in--that won't take long--and the part where the water meets the rocks. Other than that, well, I could spend weeks fiddling with rock shading, but I'm not going to. (Just say no!) So, Doug is going to go out with me tomorrow, and I'm going to finish up and sign it, and get eveything packed up. It's been a long, long project.

Here's Kate out at Sylvia's house last week. Awww!


  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    She's a cutie...and so grown up! :o) Goes too fast, doesn't it!

  2. Helena you are so talented I am amazed everytime I see your work.

    Kate is adorable! I can't beleve how big she is getting.

  3. Anonymous9:37 AM

    If I had just an ounce of your artistic talent...

    Kate is SO CUTE (love that she's so taken with snowmen)!!!

  4. It has been a long project! Congratulations on getting it done!

  5. Congrats on getting finished it is beautiful. Kate is just to precious for words!! Hugs Wanda


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