Monday, February 27, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

I'm 35 today, and Kate is 14 months.

I got Doug to take some pictures of us when he was home between classes. Fun, huh?

My mom got the Autumn Leaves Designing with Digital book for me. I haven't had a chance to look at the CD yet, but the book is gorgeous. Doug has been waffling between getting me some more RAM for the computer and getting my boots re-soled. We are probably going to Chevy's for dinner, unless other inspiration strikes in the next few minutes.


  1. happy birthday from a fellow pea!

  2. happy birthday to you helena!
    doug is quite a good photographer, he did a wonderful job capturing your relationship with kate (or one aspect of it anyway).

    ps i have been a pea since '99 but im pretty quiet over there—just so you know how i found your blog and im not some crazy stocker person.

  3. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Hey you! Happy birthday!!! :)

  4. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Happy Birthday =)

    Julie K in Taiwan

  5. Hope you had a FUN day!

  6. Hope your birthday was fantastic!

  7. Happy, happy Birthday!

  8. Hope you had a faulous day Helena! Fun pictures.

  9. Hey happy birthday!!! Kate is getting so big and cute and I love her red hair. Aww...

  10. Adorable!!!!!!!!!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)