Thursday, December 29, 2005


This is the reason everything was so hectic right before we left. My brother's wife's uncle asked me several months ago if I could get this drawing done in time for him to give it to his wife for Christmas. I said sure, thinking I had plenty of time. (Of course, back then I never expected to still be working on the Hogwarts mural by the time Christmas rolled around.) Well, this is what the drawing looked like Friday morning. I was planning to have it done and get it in the mail on Saturday. Didn't happen.

Doug was finishing up a bunch of grading, and Kate suddenly became very cranky and needy. This is the first drawing that I've done since Kate was born, and it was much more difficult than I'd anticipated. It's not really the sort of thing I can go back and forth on and work on in small snatches--for one thing, my hands need to be clean and dry first--so finding any time to draw at all is a challenge. But it worked out okay, barely. I got it all finished and packed up and off to to the post office at 5:00 Monday evening. Whew!

Note to self--don't use those pencils again. They're yucky.


Mimi said...

Looks great!

Anonymous said...

Helena, what a beautiful treasure. Your gift is a blessing.

April said...

Wow Helena. Amazing, as always.

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous, as always Helena. You have such a gift.

Ms Eva said...

Wow! What a spectacular drawing! What medium did you use...colored pencil, graphite pencil, pen or ??

Carin said...

Helena that is amazing!

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun!! Sans the needy baby and the time crunch.
your drawings are so much better than all the other types of commissioned portraits I have ever seen!! My grandparents got a painting done of them similar to this, for thier 50th wedding anniversary. Man!! it was ugly. didn't even look like them! LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm so envious of your talent, Helena! Your drawings are beautiful. Glad you were able to finish them!