Friday, November 04, 2005

Kate at 44 weeks

Kate has been sick and feverish this week. She was just starting to get sick on Monday, and she was rather ticked at me when I was taking these pictures, but I did get her to smile a few times. Poor baby! She is finally feeling better now, hooray! We had a rough couple of days (and nights).

Kate is pulling up on things and standing a lot. She has started saying "Hi!" (sometimes even in the right context) which is absolutely adorable, and she has a new game where she sticks out her tongue at herself in the mirror. She's so funny.


  1. funny AND adorable. even if she was a little under the weather. hope she's feeling all better very soon! =)

  2. oh what a cutie. I love your weekly photo shoots with Kate.

  3. Anonymous6:39 PM

    She is still as precious as ever! Poor sick Baby Kate, so glad she is feeling better now.

  4. Hey beautiful she is getting so big!! Halloween looked like fun!! Hugs Wanda

  5. I heard her say "hi" I can vouch for it!

    She's adorable, and I'm glad she's feeling better, poor baby.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)