Saturday, November 12, 2005

How I spent my Veterans Day vacation (2002)

(I dug this up from several years ago):

And it came to pass that we did journey unto the city of Seattle, even unto the market which is called Pike Place, and we did gaze upon the fine meats and the cheeses from many lands. And we saw that they were delicious to the taste, and very desirable. But of the fine meats and the cheeses we bought not, for the price thereof was exceeding great.

And when we were an hungered, we did buy of them that sold food from the land which is called Turkey, and we did feast upon the doner and upon the chicken talas, yea, and upon the lentil soup did we feast, and behold, it was good.

And we went unto the sellers of toys which is called FAO Schwartz, and we did dance upon the large piano keyboard. But behold, we could not play "chopsticks" as did Tom Hanks in the movie, and we waxed wroth. And I spake unto my spouse and did say unto him, "Phooey! This is lame!" and we did depart from thence.

And it came to pass that we did journey to and fro upon the streets of that city for many hours, and my feet did grow exceeding sore, for I did wear upon my feet the boots of hiking, to which I was not accustomed, and they did pain me, and great was the soreness thereof. But my husband, to whom the boots of hiking were grown accustomed, did say that his feet were fine and pained him not. And I would that he should not say so, for I did envy him.


  1. for some reason I think I've read this. it's so clever. makes me giggle.

  2. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Loved it!, Love Mom

  3. Bwahahahahahahaa!

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    You are so clever. I thought this was so funny.

  5. Chortle... very cute! We haven't been to Pike Place Market in forever. Which is kind of sad, given that it's only a hop and a skip away.

  6. Anonymous11:31 PM

    giggle giggle giggle. Too funny, Helena!

    And, I must say: I hear you on the painful hiking boots. We did a jaunt at Arches last spring and by the end I thought I'd rather have my toes removed without anesthesia than walk one more inch in those dang boots. Fah on steel toes!

  7. Anonymous5:12 PM

    You are too funny, Helena!

  8. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Helena!! That is TOO funny--and done very well!


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