Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Eleven months

Kate was eleven months old on Sunday! After church I took some pictures of her in her cute little dress.

Cheap and easy toys are the best! This is a piece of ribbon on a cardboard tube. Kate has fun waving it around.

This is a chest that I made in a woodshop class at BYU. (I went through a very brief phase where I was saying I wanted to be a cabinetmaker, but it turned out I was afraid of the machinery.) The chest has been in Doug's parents' storage shed for eight years, and his mom brought it up when she came to visit. Kate has been learning how to work the doors and drawers. We'll have to watch out for pinched fingers.


  1. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Look at her standing!!! I can call her Baby Kate for only one more month... but she's still the cutest little girl ever!

    You cabinet is mighty fine, Helena.

  2. Helena- YOU made that cabinet? Another thing for me to be in awe of you over! Love Kate's toy, too!

  3. Helena she is so beautiful love to see her growth and the love you can see in her eyes for you. Very special stuff!! Hugs Wanda


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