Saturday, September 03, 2005

Yet more painting (and camera stuff!)

We went out painting three times this week. Doug has been a big huge help. I'm getting so close to finishing that wall. I've still got that building on the right with all the windows, and I need to go back and put the bars on some of the other windows. And then there are the rocks below, but I'm planning on doing a real quick job on those. (I hope....) The left-hand wall is maybe 75% done already, so it shouldn't take too much longer.

Sylvia's surgery went well, and they think they got everything. Great news!

I'm getting the Canon 100mm macro lens! I was planning on getting it with the money from the mural, and I would have been happy to wait (I'm good at delayed gratification), but I kept thinking it would be nice to have when we go to Ohio in a couple of weeks. So I talked to my mom and she said she would lend me the money till I get the mural done. The lens has been ordered and should be here this next week. Woo hoo! Thanks Mom!


  1. I've been telling my DH about your mural...finally got him in here to look at it today...we are both so impressed with it! Feels like you could walk right into the picture and become a wizard, LOL.

  2. Hi Helena,
    You don't know me but a friend of mine who knows what a Harry Potter fanatic I am pointed me in your direction.
    I LOVE this mural. You are excellent. I'm sure your clients are more than pleased.
    Nice to meet you,
    Rosemary Waits


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)