Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Nine Years

Today is our anniversary! We've been married nine years. I've been getting someone to take a picture of us every year on our anniversary (sometimes this is more challenging than others). This is the first picture with three of us! (Though we do have some cute belly shots from our eighth anniversary.) We had youth activities at the church tonight, so I took along the camera and we got some quick pictures in the foyer afterwards.

I asked Doug if he had anything eloquent and pithy to say about being married nine years, and he said, "Has it been that long?"


  1. Anonymous6:46 AM

    AWWWW. Congratulations!!! You are great people and a wonderful Mom & Dad

    Love, Mom

  2. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Aww...happy Anniversary, you guys!

    Doug's comment cracked me up! I definitely think he needs to work on eloquent and pithy! LOL! ;)

  3. woh, doug is deep, man. ;)

    Happy Anniversary!

  4. Happy Anniversary!

  5. Hey beautiful happy anniversary my oldest daughter birthday is one this day and it's a special day indeed. You guys look precious!! Here is to many more. You deserve the best!! Hugs Wanda

  6. Happy anniversary!
    Nine years does fly by so fast. :)

  7. Helena, first glance of the photo and I said, "They are at church!" I'm glad that you found someone to take you picture! Pithy, AND passionate, Doug! LOL Happy Anniversary!


  8. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Congratulations on 9 years! We've been married 8 and we do the photo each year on our anniversary too :)

  9. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Happy BELATED Anniversary Wishes to you both! :) Great family photo too.


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)