Monday, August 08, 2005

Kate at 32 weeks

Teething is rough. Poor kid. I wasn't sure if I would be able to get Kate to smile for the camera today. She's been pretty cranky. The "Little Teethers" gel does seem to help, but it's hard to get it to go where it's supposed to.

We tried some pictures outside first, which didn't work too well, because it was too sunny, and what shade I could find was blotchy. But Kate seemed to enjoy being outside, playing with the blanket and looking everywhere but at the camera.

She's not quite crawling yet, but she wants to so badly. When she's sitting she'll lean forward and rock back and forth on her hands. She can also get herself from a sitting position down onto her tummy, usually without bonking her face on anything on the way down.

I took a few more pictures inside later on, in her little baby chair by the window. She was having a great time, sitting and whacking on the empty cracker box that her daddy gave her. (Hooray for cheap toys! Only $1.69, and it comes with crackers, even!)

When she dropped the box I could pick it up, and she would turn her head to follow it as I moved it back and forth. I'll have to remember that. Or maybe I could cut a hole in the box and stick it over the camera lens.


  1. your baby girl is just absolutely perfectly gorgeous. you jst can't see a photo of a face that precious & not smile from the inside out. =)

  2. oh too cute! i love the pictures you got, and i hear you on thre cheap toys ;) there is nothing like an empty box.

  3. She is adorable!! Look at that smile!! Hugs Wanda

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Cheap toys are always the best ones! :)

    Love these pics of Kate - she's so darling!

  5. With crackers even, what good shoppers you are!

  6. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Kate is absolutely adorable. I love the candid pictures you are taking of her. She looks so happy and fun! YAY for you and Doug.

  7. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Might I make a teething suggestion? Hyland's teething tablets. You can get them at Walmart. I would give them to my kids and they worked like magic...almost instantly. Just something you might like to try.

  8. Looks like she overcame teething pain long enough for a classic "Kate smile!"


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