Friday, August 19, 2005

I missed it

August 18, 1993, was the day that I got home from my mission in Korea. In past years I've tried to make a note of it in some way (having Korean food or something). In 2003, commemorating the ten-year mark, I wrote a big long entry in my journal, exploring how I felt about my mission and the direction my life had gone since then. I wrote, I'm not sure, when I got home ten years ago, where I thought I would be today. I'm sure I expected to have at least a couple of kids. I keep hoping and praying that will happen soon. I do so want to create a fun, loving, playful, imaginative family like the one I grew up in.

Yesterday I was busy. We all spent the day in Port Orchard (I was painting; Doug and Kate kept each other entertained). Then it took forever to get Kate to sleep, and I probably conked out right around the time she did.

As I was holding our baby and feeding her at 2:30 in the morning, I was thinking about what a sweet little girl she is and how happy we are to have her. Having a baby really does change everything.

I showed Doug this layout on Two Peas yesterday, and he said "Awwww!" The man appreciates a cute baby.


  1. Happy Anniversary, Helena! I'm glad you commemorate that event in your life.

  2. Happy Anniversary. I have also fallen off the wagon, having not even looked at my journal from my short term mission in Kenya in 94. I guess it's good to move forward after awhile, not always looking over our shoulders.


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