Saturday, August 13, 2005

Hot time, summer in the city

Or is it "hot town"? I should never have used the oven at lunch. It actually seems cooler inside than out right now, though, at least in the bedroom. We've got two fans going. We would have three, but our big box fan is in Port Orchard ventilating the Cupboard Under the Stairs.

We went to Trader Joe's and ran into Meadow who used to work at Scrap Magic before they closed. She asked me if I was scrapping lots of pictures of Kate. I told her I'm taking tons of pictures. Scrapping, not so much. More like, none. At the moment. I have big plans, though. I'm hoping to get Adobe Photoshop CS2 and learn a little more about post-processing. Hopefully my stack of pictures won't be impossibly intimidating by then. Or I guess it's not a "stack," as such, since they're digital pictures. The CDs they're on, though, those can stack. Yep.

Meadow is working at Trader Joe's now, but she said she just took two months off to go to India to volunteer in an orphanage. That would be so cool. I think that's the same thing my roommate Janine did at BYU. She had some really great pictures. I wonder if she ever scrapped them.


  1. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Hi Helena. Nice to "find" you again. :) I saw your comment on Gwyn's blog (she'd posted a link on Scrapping for Adults) and thought "there can't be that many Helenas".

    Congratulations on the birth of Kate. What a beautiful girl. I gave birth to Lucy 2 months ago and totally empathise with taking lots of photos but not getting any scrapping done...

  2. oooo. oven in the summer. not a good thing. I haven't even baked cookies for weeks.

    I have a stack of CD's too. Not getting much scrapping done around here either ;)

  3. The oven on the hottest day of the year? At least it should cool down tomorrow!

    We need to crop so you can get working on some of those photos!
    I hear you about the stacks though. Story of my life.


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