Thursday, August 04, 2005

Glorie Jean

Our friend Rebecca's sweet little dog is going in today for surgery on a torn ligament. Good luck Glorie Jean!


  1. Poor baby I hope she is ok!! Hugs Wanda

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Glorie Jean Post-Op Update:
    Glorie Jean is very put out with me for putting her in the ridiculous splint and shaving the hair off of her whole hind quarter. Of course, the Vet actually did it, but since she doesn't remember the Vet through the drug-induced haze, I get all the 'how could you do this to me' stares.
    She is having a difficult time walking. In fact, she pretty much goes around in a backwards spiral, not being able to figure out how to maneuver the heavy leg. I feel so sorry for her. She doesn't seem to be in much pain, though. But then if I had a morphine patch, I probably wouldn't feel much pain either.
    She cannot go up or down even one step for 6 weeks. That means carrying her down the two steps to get outside and down one step to the grass. Then trying to talk her into going potty. At which time she stares at me and topples onto her bum.
    I take some comfort in the fact that she should be back to almost normal in about three months. It will probably take me longer to recover from taking care of her than it will take her to recover from the surgery. But it was worth every penny and all the trouble. After all, she's my sweet, beeeeuutiful girl.


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