Sunday, August 21, 2005

Doug's new church calling (!!!)

Big changes for this family. (Very big. One might say huge.) Doug was called as the second counselor in the bishopric. We came home from our Saturday grocery shopping to a message on our answering machine asking us to come in and meet with the stake presidency before church. We knew something was up but we weren't quite expecting this. Doug, being well aware of his own strengths and talents, has often commented that he feels more comfortable in a supporting role than in a leadership position, but I am confident that he will rise to the challenge. He's been teaching Gospel Doctrine (Sunday School class) for about two years now and will be missed there. He's a great teacher.

Sundays are going to be crazy(er). And he'll be gone more during the week, with meetings and stuff. He's in charge of the Youth now, so I guess we'll get to do that together. (Kind of ironic, for two people who were both a bit socially backward as teenagers--or, as Doug puts it, "Not very outgoing and kind of geeky.")

Along with the call comes the ordination to High Priest. Our friend Scott got to do that. We figured it was only fitting, since Doug ordained Scott an Elder a few years ago. Turn about is fair play.


  1. Congratulations to Doug.

  2. I'd say it's huge! Congratulations Doug. Very cool that Scott did the ordination.


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