Friday, July 29, 2005

The Cupboard Under the Stairs

I'm painting Hogwarts castle in a closet. The closet belongs to my friend Wendy's mother, Sylvia. (Well, it belongs to her husband, too, but it's definitely Sylvia's project.) They built a house out in Port Orchard and designed it with a Cupboard Under the Stairs to be a Harry Potter room for the grandkids. I take Kate out with me, and Sylvia plays with her while I'm working.

Here's the bit I worked on today. You can compare it with the above picture (taken today before I started painting) and see that it doesn't look that much different. That's about the amount of work that I can expect to get done in a day.

I started painting when Kate was about six weeks old. These were taken on February 16. The closet was too small to use an opaque projector, so I did a graphite transfer. I've never had to do it with anything that big before, and it was really a pain, but I made it work. I had to enlarge the photo and print it out on many sheets of paper, which I then taped together and scribbled all over the back with pencil. It took a lot of pencil. I also had to get help taping it up on the wall to trace, because it was so big and awkward.

These were taken March 22. Lots of progress, but so far from finished.

Scott's mural took 135 hours over six weeks. The Jerusalem mural took 140 hours, also over six weeks. I figured this one would probably take longer, with a baby and all, but I was thinking maybe two, three months tops. Nope, still working on it. And I'm not sure how much longer it's going to take.

(April 20)  I think this is my favorite picture so far.

I know it doesn't need to be perfect. It's in a closet, and it's just for the grandkids. But I just can't bring myself to slap some paint on the wall and call it good. There's all this tricky lighting and shading, and the architecture with its straight lines and perspective, and windows that have to be lined up with each other. Hogwarts is complicated. Sylvia loves it, though, and she doesn't seem to mind that it's taking much, much longer than we anticipated.

Doug went out with me today (he doesn't have class on Fridays) and played with Kate while I worked. What a great guy. Kate sure loves her daddy. They have a good time together.

On a lighter note, I have gotten over my need for a complicated banner and settled on something more simple. Perhaps there's hope for me yet.


  1. I love this mural! I just love the concept of it and your are doing an amazing job with it. so since it's taking so long, do you get a 1Ds for this one? ;)

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Love how the mural is coming along, Helena! As a recipient of one of your works of art, I can's worth the wait! I get more comments on the drawing you did of my kids than about any other thing in our home.

    The new banner pic is great!

  3. Love the banner and love that you love your work so much you want to make sure is done right. Nothing wrong with that!! Much Love Hugs Wanda

  4. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Lovin' the mural. I grew up in Port Orchard. Ah sweet nostalgia. Of course, back in those days it wasn't so overgrown like it is now. Dare I mention that I was there from 82-90. Eeeek!



  5. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Wow! Not only are you an expert with the camera, you are an expert with a paintbrush! What amazing talent you have! I hopped on over to your blog on the suggestion of "iowahawk". She was right...awesome mural!

  6. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I've long admired your artwork you've posted on 2ps. This is incredible. My dh is in awe as well. I'm looking forward to seeing this one finished, it will be amazing.

  7. Anonymous10:44 AM

    OMG!!! That mural is AMAZING!!! Wow. I wish I had that kind of talent!!! You rock!!

  8. You do incredible work and I understand completely about wanting to do it well.

    Dare I admit I never completely finished our "under the stairs" hideaway for my boys? When they go in for therapy as adults, I'm sure the first thing they'll mention is "Mom actually left one animal in PENCIL in our hideaway!" LOL

  9. Anonymous12:10 AM

    I am with you - I have to do it all the way or not at all.

    -Marilyn :)


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