Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Adventures in Baby Sitting

I take pictures of Kate on Monday. She was born on a Monday, so it's a weekly milestone thing. Of course I take pictures of her on other days, too. I guess I should say I take special pictures of her on Mondays. Or I try to.

I use the little Fisher Price baby chair. I put something over the back, so the brightly-colored farm animals don't compete with my cutie, and set it by the window so I get some nice natural light coming in. So far it's worked pretty well.

This week was another story. Kate has learned to sit. She's been sitting all by herself for a few days now, and having a great time. I just could not convince her to sit back in the chair so I could get my pictures.

After a few attempts, it became clear that I was going to have to try something else. So here she is--Baby Kate, sitting!

(Click on the pictures to see them bigger.)

That thing she's holding is a pacifier on a Winnie-the-Pooh clip. We call it her Poocifier. She doesn't actually use it but she likes to wave it around.

And since I've been working on getting this blog set up, I'm not getting around to posting the Monday pictures till Wednesday, the 27th. Happy seven months, Kate!


  1. awww! cute sitting baby Kate! she's so adorable, helena!

  2. Love the photo shoot! Also, welcome to the world of blogging!

  3. We have that exact same pacifier and and Winnie the Poo clip. The pacifier is even the same color! She is absolutely beautiful and those are wonderful pictures.

  4. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Oh my goodness... how did she get so big! She is such a darling baby. And her mom takes spectacular photos, too!

  5. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Oh my gosh...I love that you call it a Poocifier! That's hilarious! Kate is just darling sitting by herself!! Look out though...this just starts a whole new phase, soon she'll be crawling, walking, etc! Good luck to ya! ;o)

  6. Anonymous1:04 PM

    She is so darn those pictures! I can't beleive she's 7 months already!

  7. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Helena it's so GREAT to find your blog (thanks Becky - hehe :)) Your little Kate is a doll - terrific pictures. :)

  8. Awwwww... Cute baby Kate. :)

  9. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Helena- she is adorable!! I love how you take special pictures every monday. Glad you have a blog!!!


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(I'm so sorry about the stupid image verification thing... I can't seem to get rid of it!)